About Us

Opening Doors to Hope & Transformation

Welcome to the Manjrekar Foundation - where lives are empowered, and futures are enriched.

At the Manjrekar Foundation, we believe in the immense potential of every individual to create a positive impact on the world. Established with a vision to empower lives and enrich futures, our foundation strives to uplift communities, foster sustainable development, and inspire change through our multifaceted initiatives.

Since our inception, we have remained steadfast in our commitment to address pressing social challenges and create a meaningful difference in the lives of the marginalized and underserved. Guided by our core values of compassion, inclusivity, and excellence, we embark on a journey of transformation, guided by the mantra: "Empowerment through Education, Compassion, and Sustainable Solutions."

Our Foundation's mission is to nurture a more equitable society by supporting education, healthcare, and social welfare initiatives that uplift the underprivileged and empower them to lead fulfilling lives. We firmly believe that access to quality education and healthcare are not just basic human rights but powerful catalysts for social progress and individual growth.

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At the heart of our endeavors lies our unwavering commitment to creating sustainable solutions that have a lasting impact. We recognize that change requires a comprehensive approach, and as such, we actively collaborate with like-minded partners, organizations, and communities to leverage collective expertise and resources.

From providing scholarships to bright and deserving students, enabling access to healthcare facilities in remote areas, to supporting skill development programs for marginalized communities, our initiatives aim to address the root causes of societal challenges and uplift entire communities.

With each passing year, our foundation grows stronger, fueled by the passion and dedication of our team, supporters, and volunteers. We are driven by the belief that together, we can create a world where every individual is empowered to achieve their fullest potential, regardless of their circumstances.

As we embark on this transformative journey, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our donors, partners, and well-wishers, whose unwavering support has been instrumental in turning dreams into realities and fostering positive change in countless lives.

Join us as we strive to build a brighter, more inclusive future for generations to come. Together, we can be the catalysts of change and create a world where hope thrives, and dreams know no boundaries.

Vision Statement


At the Manjrekar Foundation, our vision is to create a world where every individual has the power to transform their life and the lives of those around them. Guided by the principles of compassion, integrity, and social responsibility, we strive to be a catalyst for positive change, empowering communities to overcome challenges and embrace a future filled with possibilities.

Empowering Lives
We envision a world where every person, regardless of their background, has access to the resources and opportunities needed to realize their full potential. By empowering individuals with education, skills, and support, we aim to uplift lives and break the cycle of poverty and inequality.
Fostering Sustainable Development
Our vision extends beyond short-term fixes. We are committed to fostering sustainable development that brings long-lasting benefits to communities. By implementing projects and programs that promote self-sufficiency and resilience, we envision a future where communities thrive independently.
Inspiring Changemakers
We aspire to be more than just a charitable organization; we aim to inspire a generation of changemakers. By nurturing a culture of empathy, volunteerism, and social responsibility, we envision a society where individuals take an active role in driving positive change and making a difference in the lives of others.
Advancing Quality Education
Education is the cornerstone of progress. Our vision encompasses a world where quality education is accessible to all, empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to shape their destinies and contribute meaningfully to society.
Enabling Healthcare Accessibility
We envision a world where healthcare is not a luxury but a fundamental right. By working towards improving healthcare accessibility and supporting medical initiatives, we aim to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to lead a healthy and dignified life.
Promoting Inclusivity & Equality
Our vision is to break down barriers and create a society where inclusivity and equality prevail. We strive to champion the rights of the marginalized and vulnerable, advocating for a world where every person is treated with respect and fairness.
Collaborative Impact
To achieve our vision, we recognize the power of collaboration. We envision a world where organizations, governments, communities, and individuals join hands to create a collective impact that transcends boundaries and brings about positive change on a global scale.
Leaving a Lasting Legacy
Our vision extends beyond the present; we aim to leave a lasting legacy that transforms lives for generations to come. By inspiring hope, nurturing aspirations, and instilling values of compassion, we envision a future where the seeds of positive change continue to flourish.
Scholarships Granted


Customer Testimonails

I am profoundly grateful for the Manjrekar Foundation Scholarship, a life-changing opportunity that has made my journey through higher education possible and truly transformative. The foundation's generous scholarship covering my full MBA college fees had not only relieved the financial burden but has also ignited a passion within me to excel and contribute meaningfully to society. Support from foundation provided me the freedom to focus wholeheartedly on my studies, professional development, and personal growth.

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Prabhakar Gund,
Senior Consultant, Deloitte India

Customer Testimonails

Manjrekar Foundation took while responsibility of my graduation and supported me in my every step towards achievements. Foundation provided my fees, and the expenses of my food and hostel leaving while I was away from my home for my education. It's not just a foundation but it is the family which will support you till the end. I belong from very weak financial family where it was very difficult to complete my graduation. Manjrekar Foundation helped me not only financially but also mentored me through my journey of success. It's my family who supported me in every step of life while I was completing my dreams. I will always be grateful for their support

Shraddha Sankpal,
Senior Software Engineer, Capegemini

Customer Testimonails

Let’s directly start with journey, I remember my visit, I was totally nervous waiting on reception sofa. After my first talk with Mrs. Manjrekar ma'am I started feeling like I have mother to build me professionally. I had come for laptop funding in my 2nd year B. Tech IT, COEP but, Foundation started funding and guiding for my career. It’s been 6+ yrs. I am with industry, exploring the world. It’s very natural process foundation has to nurture students, that process gave clear idea about responsibilities including personal from ma'am's guidance and how to be on battlefield through Hrishikesh sir's mentoring. Prakash sir and Ravi sir are like Rays and Moon for me from Foundation family. I am very grateful towards complete Manjrekar foundation family for shaping me as person overall.

Ganesh Avachare,
R&D, V.M Ware

Customer Testimonails

I would want to start by highlighting the significance of the Manjrekar Foundation scholarship in my life. My father is a farmer and my mother is a housewife, and I grew up in a Lower Middle Class home. Nowadays, as we all know, securing Bachelors and Master's degrees in engineering is a difficult endeavour due to the high costs involved, especially if you choose to study abroad. As I previously stated, it has been tough for my family to support my desire for higher education. In this scenario, the Manjrekar Foundation has given me wings to soar in order to achieve my dream by providing a scholarship for the duration of my education. My family and I are extremely grateful and appreciative of the Manjrekar Foundation and will never forget it.

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Roshan Patil,
M.S Operations, Germany